Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why Am I doing This?

When I was growing up I had a routine when I went to my Grandparents of looking through their photo albums. Photo's from when I was younger, to when my parents were younger, and their parents. I always loved looking at the old black and white's seeing my aunt's and uncles and grandparents, it gave a sense of history to my family.

My Mom always like taking photo's and usually had her camera with her at family events and traveling. When I inherited her and my Dad's collections I had the intention of scanning them into the computer. I have done a lot and have them on the computer in no particular order. I've had grand ideas of sorting them and distributing them to family members who might like them. However just getting them on the computer has been time consuming and I still have photo's in boxes. I have another blog where I've been posting photo's I've taken. I got the idea that a lot of these photo's although snap shots then really are classic in their own right. I felt they should be seen.

So, here is the first photo. I chose it because I think it's one of the oldest ones I have scanned. I am actually lucky as it's one I scanned years ago for some reason and returned the original. I don't know where that is now. It is of my Grandmother when she was around 5 years old and is taken most likely in Missouri or New Mexico somewhere. I can only presume the man holding her is one of her Grandfathers. 

 circa 1912(?)
 I expect I will be postng photos from the 20's right through the 60's. Most will be black and white. There may be the odd colour one though. I hope you enjoy seeing these photo's and return to see them often. I promise there will be a lot less talking in future.